Data Visualization

Data visualization poster. The points of origin of the students are listed on the map.


The poster shows, how students get to the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt). It also shows the differences of how they get there. For that, we conducted a survey as a group of three. Afterwards each indiviual person designed a poster. <br>I decided upon making a poster that shows, how students get to the THI. At that time, I was regularly driving to the THI by car and I was interested to see, how over students get there.

Data collection and evaluation

My two colleagues and I surveyed 75 students in total for the data collection. For this, we wrote a survey with questions all about means of transport.

After collecting the data, I went ahead and analyzed it. To find a correlation between different data sets, a pivot table was used.

A filled out questionnaire.
A filled out questionnaire. In total, 75 were used.
The collected data, compiled in a table.
First, I compiled all data in a table. Then I transformed it for further use.
The evaluated data. You can see the connection between multiple data sets.
For analysis, a pivot table was used. It clearly shows the connection between single records.


After analyzing the data, I came up with different concepts to present the data in an easy-to-understand and pleasing way.

Each point on the map shows how students get to the THI (university).
Concept Map: Each point on the map shows how students get to the THI (university).
The county of each student is separated by means of tranport. The idea for icons was reused later.
Concept Sunburst: The county of each student is separated by means of tranport. The idea for icons was reused later.
Illustration that lists the means of transport by their relative use. Sadly, this concept was not viable due to missing data.
Concept Means of Transport: Illustration that lists the means of transport by their relative use. Sadly, this concept was not viable due to missing data.


In the end, I settled on the map concept. To spice things up, three pie charts are at the bottom, detailing how students get to the THI.

Icon design

During the design of the poster, I also created several icons. Designing them was the best part of the project!


Design process

Step 1: The page format of DIN A1 has been chosen. Also a map of the Bavarian counties is included as starting point.

step 1

The page format of DIN A1 has been chosen. Also a map of the Bavarian counties is included as starting point.

The county of each student is separated by means of tranport. The idea for icons was reused later.

step 2

The singular positions are connected with the THI logo. In the bottom left, you can see the distribution of means of traffic. Each point is a data unit.

Illustration that lists the means of transport by their relative use. Sadly, this concept was not viable due to missing data.

step 3

The layout, colors and the distance between the points gets adjusted. There are also now icons included with the pie charts.